Shimoda Glocal Yoga Festival
October 7–10, 2022
Join the First Annual Shimoda Glocal Yoga Festival
ご参加ください! 第一回 下田ヨガフェスティバル
2022 marks the first year of a new international yoga festival in Shimoda. Centered on yoga and the enjoyment of sports and nature, the Festival promotes local culture, health and wellness, and sustainability while providing everyone with a unique and memorable experience of Izu.
Tickets and additional information available from Movement Evolution, Yoga Tree, and the Shimoda View Hotel (Tel: 0558-22-6600; for inquiries in English, ask for Patrick Kaneko).
チケットや詳細については、Movement Evolution、Yoga Tree、下田ビュー ホテル(電話 0558-22-6600 担当関)まで。
Class Schedule
Hatha Yoga, Personal Wellness, Handstand Classes, and more!
This year's teachers include Michael Glenn, Jon Omori, Yuko Sugeta, Mai Kouyama and Meg Rubenstein. Classes include morning pranayama and hatha yoga; educational classes on various wellness topics; handstands, and yoga flow for all levels. You will find many different types of classes to choose from. Purchase tickets only for the classes you want and spend the rest of the time enjoying the beaches, onsen, and other outdoor activities Shimoda has to offer.
Sponsored by the Shimoda View Hotel
The Shimoda View Hotel is the main sponsor and will serve as the Festival center. Most of the classes will be held in the hotel's activity rooms and details about the Festival are available from the reception desk. What's more, the View Hotel has prepared special package plans including accommodations and meals for anyone who wants to stay at the hotel during the Festival.
Enjoy Shimoda's Izu Peninsula Geopark and other famous power spots
Weather permitting, some classes will be held outdoors at the Izu Peninsula Geopark. Featuring beautiful views of Sagami Bay and the surrounding islands, plus large open spaces that are great for yoga practice, the Geopark is one of Shimoda's many precious natural attractions. Over the weekend, we highly recommend paying a visit to Shirahama Shrine, Ryugu Park and some of Shimoda's other famous power spots.
天気がよければ、伊豆半島ジオパークでの屋外クラスも予定しています。相模湾と周辺の島々の美しい景色と、ヨガの練習に最適な開放的なスペースを持つジオパークは、下田にある多くの自然のアトラクションの中でも貴重な場所のひと つ。白浜神社や竜宮公園など、下田のパワースポット巡りもおすすめです。
About the Teachers
Michael Glenn
The founder of Yoga Tree, "Tokyo's international yoga studio," Michael is a long-time yoga practitioner known for the intensity of his practice and his unique style of bridging yoga traditions and modern life. He has taught yoga, including therapeutics and wellness modalities, for 20 years.
東京にあるインターナショナルヨガスタジオ「Yoga Tree」の創設者。20年にわたってセラピーやウェルネスの手法をとりいれたヨガ教室を開き、ヨガの伝統に真摯に向き合いながら、現代生活との橋渡しをしようと研鑽を続けています。
Yuko Sugeta
An acupuncturist and healer by profession, Yuko is the founder of the Theracua Clinic in Tokyo. She lectures on Eastern Medicine and teaches therapeutics courses and anatomy in yoga teacher-training programs.
鍼灸師でありヒーラーでもある菅田裕子は、東京のTheracua Clinicの創設者です。彼女は東洋医学について講義や、ヨガ指導者養成プログラムでセラピューティックスと解剖学を教えています。
Mai Kouyama
Fascinated by how yoga not only improves physical performance, but also frees you from mental and physical disorders, Mai started teaching yoga after graduating from university. While learning various styles of yoga, mainly Ashtanga yoga, she combines her own experience and knowledge to develop original classes.
Meg Rubenstein
Meg has been teaching maternity yoga as well as yoga for athletes since 2008. Previously employed at Tokyo studios including Yoga Tree and Furla Yoga, she now enjoys a quiet country life in Shimoda filled with beach yoga, gardening, hiking, and running.
ルーベンステイン メグミ
メグは2008年からマタニティヨガとアスリート向けのヨガを指導。東京ではYoga Treeやフルラヨガなどのスタジオでクラスを担当していましたが、現在は都会の喧騒を離れ、下田でビーチヨガ、ガーデニング、ハイキング、ランニングなど、静かな暮らしを楽しんでいます。